News Avient Expands Production Of Nymax REC Recycled Nylon Formulations To Istanbul junior.editor Jan 14, 2025 Avient Expands Production Of Nymax REC Recycled Nylon Formulations To Istanbul Avient expands production of Nymax…
Material Expanded Production of Graphene Nanotube Suspensions in China to Upgrade Coatings junior.editor Mar 19, 2024 0 Expanded Production of Graphene Nanotube Suspensions in China to Upgrade Coatings OCSiAl’s OEM in China, Nan…
Missoula Woman Honored With Highly Selective… Mrs. Wendy Koster, General Manager of Missoula based Diversified Plastics, Inc., has been awarded…
Oerlikon partners with United Launch Alliance to… Oerlikon AM, the additive manufacturing unit of global technology powerhouse Oerlikon, announces it…
Cove launches biodegradable alternative to plastic… Way back in 2004, we reported on a corn-based water bottle called Biotathat was claimed to be 100…
Select, separate, protect: Sesotec makes the… High-tech metal detectors, material analysis, sorting and service ensure product quality and machine…
Gripperarm with precise non rational shaft With the extraction of plastic components it happens more often, that the inaccuracies or tolerances…
STADLER Opens New, €30m Global Headquarters STADLER , the market leader in designing and assembling sorting plants for the recycling and waste…
Borealis and the ZOOM Children’s Museum to… Social commitment represents a cornerstone of Borealis’ sustainability strategy and the sponsorship…
Outlook: Freeformer 300-4X with feed unit… Added value: Additional axis enables local component reinforcement Application example:…
Taiwan’s Smart Plastic & Rubber Machinery… As environmental awareness rises, efficient production and the recycling rates of plastic waste have…
Evonik invests in Chinese 3D-printing start-up… Meditool’s 3D-printed neuro and spine surgery implants mean faster patient recovery and less…
Opens new Test and Innovation Center in Slovenia… Test and innovation center at its production site in Krsko, Slovenia. The new facility will play a…
Development of a New product for the Shannon… Shannon Global Energy Solutions, a provider, designer and maker of reusable thermal and acoustic…
Vincent Gardès joins Kumovis as chairman of the… Kumovis, the developer of the world’s first FLM 3D printer built for medical production, today…
Devan lauded for its antimicrobial technology Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals was lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial…
New treatment plant for Slovenian recycler In February 2020 Dinos d.o.o. Ljubljana, Slovenia officially inaugurated a new recycling plant for…
Mirasol reduces the virus causing COVID-19 below… Vox Sanguinis, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published results from a Terumo BCT study conducted…
LANXESS disinfectant kills coronavirus in 60… Rely+On Virkon broad spectrum disinfectant, produced by specialty Chemicals Company LANXESS,…
Joint alliance aims to promote global recycling in… Mondi, a leading global packaging and paper manufacturer, has joined the newly created consortium…
A no-hassle maintenance program to improve your… No matter what you mine, you have to juggle a lot of priorities to make certain that your mine…
Packaging and Sustainability: a way ahead At the nearby shops, in these pandemic days, I saw a long queue or maybe a lot of people waiting for…